
How it works

Search Someone

Type the character you want to investigate. For instance, "Honorary Tibian". TibiaDetective will search its database for any related information about the character.

A search bar with the text "Search someone" being typed into it.


You will be informed whether TibiaDetective has valuable information to offer about the character. Only if relevant information is available will you be able to continue to the next step.

Confirmation message indicating the availability of information.

Load a Voucher

Enter a valid TibiaDetective voucher to proceed. For instance, "TD-11iur4mzpb2". This voucher will give you access to the hidden details about the character.

Voucher input field with an example voucher code entered.


Hit the "Reveal" button to discover all the other characters associated with the player. TibiaDetective will unveil all the hidden identities linked to the searched character.

Reveal button with a list of character names appearing.


In this example, character "Honorary Tibian" is also known as "Big Peekay", "Nasty Thief", and "Joe the Corrupt". You have now uncovered all the hidden characters linked to the player.

A list of revealed character names associated with the searched character.